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Products for Dehydrated Vegetables


Dehydrated Onion

The onion is a hardy biennial with a bulb and hollow leaves. Green-white flowers are produced in summer. The fresh and dried bulb is used, as well as the fresh juice. It is grown underground by the plant as a vertical shoot that is used for food storage. Onions, one of the oldest vegetables, are found in a large number of recipes and preparations spanning almost the totality of the world\'s cultures. They are now available in fresh, frozen, canned, caramelized, pickled, powdered, chopped, and dehydrated forms. Dehydrated onion is produced by removing the water from raw onions. This is followed by milling or separating to specific particle size. Before drying, the roots and tops of the onion are removed, the onion is cleaned and peeled and the materials are washed and sliced. Onion powder is made from finely ground dehydrated onions, mainly the pungent varieties of bulb onions, which causes the powder to have a very strong smell. Onions are one of the most prevalent vegetables/spices in cuisines across the world. Rarely used as a main dish, onions often play the sidekick adding a distinct flavor to many meals, without dominating. Onions complement almost every savory dish and can be used in practically every way, cooked, raw, chopped, minced, pulverized, etc. Dehydrated onion are used in ethnic food preparations, dry soups mixes, canned, dry or frozen vegetable mixes, sauces, dry casserole mixes, food service & fast foods etc. Onion powder is a spice used for seasoning in cooking. Onion can also be added to curries, marinades, soups, stocks. Onion is a pungent herb, protecting against infection, relaxing spasms, reducing blood pressure as well as blood clotting and blood sugar levels. It further has expectorant and diuretic properties & contains a range of sulfur containing compounds - sulfoxides (cyteinesulfoxide, isomer of alliin) and cepaenes. It is often used for minor digestive disturbances and is also used for bronchial and gastric infections. Furthermore it also shows good results in preventing age-related changes in blood vessels - arteriosclerosis, as well as to treat loss of appetite. Externally, poultices can be made from raw onion for acne and boils. These are used for wounds and scars as well. Although an oil is made from onions, it is used in industry for flavoring. Onions are said to have positive effects on the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal system, bones and blood sugar. They are high in anti-oxidants and may even prevent some types of cancer. Use topically they may help prevent/treat acne, hemorrhoids, boils, and other skin irritations. Onions have been used to lower ‘bad’ cholesterol ,elevate ‘good’ cholesterol , as an antiseptic, reduce inflammation, reduce bacterial growth ,as a diuretic, inhibit tumor growth, maintain healthy bones and prevent osteoporosis, lower blood sugar, relive common cold symptoms, prevent diabetes, prevent gastric ulcers ,as a source of vitamin C, potassium and fiber


Dehydrated Garlic

Garlic is the hardy bulbous portion under the earth of a plant with narrow leaves. Underground bulb consist of 5 to 35 small bulblets called ‘’cloves’’ and is surrounded by thin white, yellow or pinkish paper like sheath. A nature\'s wonder drug, garlic has a long list of health benefits. Dry Garlic Powder has a pungent and acid flavor and is acknowledged for its medicinal value. Dry Garlic Powder is natural white or light yellow in color. The moisture content in this powder is up to 8% and the sulphur-di-oxide content is less than 10 ppm. Garlic flakes are simply dehydrated bits of garlic that can be stored for long periods of time and used in all sorts of foods. The spice is used as a condiment or for seasoning in different cuisines. Garlic is widely used in vegetable, meat and poultry dishes, especially in casserole, stew and marinade. It is also used to prepare Pizzas, Biriyani, curries etc. In the Mediterranean sauces, raw garlic has wide usage. Garlic is taken as pickles and as important ingredient for vinegar. Besides this, garlic is used as a spice in various cuisines to add that extra flavor and taste. A roasted garlic flavor can add zest to a dish without being offensive. Garlic flakes can easily be added to soups and stews to add a bit of flavor. The used of fried garlic flakes in a meat loaf also ensures an infusion of taste in the finished product. Casseroles can also be enhanced with the use of garlic flakes. Essentially, any recipe that includes cooking time and some sort of liquid is all that is needed. As the flakes absorb some of the juices or liquids during the cooking process, the flakes release the garlic flavor, enhancing the overall taste of the dish. Garlic oil finds use in pharmaceuticals and as disinfectants. It lowers cholesterol level, reverse high blood pressure, boost your immune system, overcome fatigue, and resist cold and flu and many other benefits. Garlic has many healing properties, but the most research has been done on its potential to help reduce heart disease. Garlic has been intensively studied, and numerous large studies have shown that taking supplements that mimic fresh garlic can significantly lower LDL cholesterol levels without hurting beneficial HDL cholesterol levels. Garlic appears to act by blocking the liver from making too much LDL cholesterol. There is also some evidence that garlic supplements can mildly lower blood pressure by dilating or expanding blood vessels. And garlic helps prevent blood clots -- and therefore reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke -- by decreasing the stickiness of platelets, which are tiny disk-shaped bodies in the blood that are necessary for blood clotting. When platelets are too sticky, they form clumps that can adhere to artery walls and contribute to clogged arteries. One of the oldest uses of garlic, however, is as an antibiotic. Garlic kills a range of microbes, including viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites, and can be effective against such conditions as athlete\'s foot, thrush (a fungal infection of the mouth), viral diarrhea, and the ulcer-causing bacteria Helicobacter pylori. Only fresh garlic or supplements that mimic it have these effects.